What We Do

Deliverables for NGO Partners

Develop & Implement Fundraising Strategy

Funding is one of the most commonly faced challenges by all charities, especially the lesser known NGOs. Developing and implementing a fundraising strategy is thus, a critical key for the NGOs to successfully complete their projects. The Bridge team supports in developing and implementing fundraising strategy for the NGO partners.

At The Bridge, we believe that transparency is an uncompromisable aspect on which professional bonds are developed. Our team is dedicated to find committed NGO partners to help donors decide where to donate. We focus on the few, yet exceptional charities, in order to find and confidently recommend the best donation opportunities.

Proposal development for sustainable solutions

Proposal design and development is a major challenge for the mission driven NGO. Though, they have the required team to implement the project but developing a proposal as per the requirement of the corporate is a major hurdle for the NGO’s in applying for the funds. The Bridge team having understanding of both NGO and Corporate helps in developing proposal as per the need. While keeping the needs, expectations and ground realities clear, well designed proposal becomes the key to the successive grant.

Identification of the responsible Business Houses

One of the major concerns of the NGO is identification of the corporate partner. NGO’s are unable to reach the Corporate for funds primarily because of their limited reach and networking. The Bridge team helps in bridging the gap between the NGOs and the Responsible Business Houses and helps in identifying corporate partner as per the NGO’s core area of expertise.

Capacity building for Project implementation

Through collective initiatives and partnerships our empaneled NGO’s which are mission driven to unleash their full potential would be helped in enhancing their capacity. Our team of professional builds the capacity of the program team so that they are best able to deliver quality projects and implement as per the pre decided time lines.


Reporting is the practice of measuring, disclosing and being accountable to internal and external stakeholders for the organisation’s performance towards the set goal. It plays an important role when it comes to presenting the impact that has taken place. Not only letting the partner understand about how the money has been spent, but it develops the trust in the partner and at the same time helps to understand what worked and what did not work. Accordingly, the approach can be different as per the need. The Bridge team helps to prepare quality report.

NGO Empanelment

There is a dire need to bring a systematic and transparent process where the NGO’s and the Corporate equally benefit through pooling their resources and partnering to implement best CSR programs making a remarkable and sustainable difference in the society. The challenge with the Corporate is that they find difficult in identifying the credible NGO’s.
NGO’s serious and devoted in their work often encounter issues that take a toll to accomplish their projects uninterrupted. They have to repeatedly prove their credibility, struggle to reach out to the donors that are equally enthusiastic and have an inability to market them to their target audience. Lack of appropriate and continuous funds is a constant source of worry too. To build collaborative relationships The Bridge is committed to strengthen the NGO’s by empaneling them which are:

  • Lesser known but are credible
  • That has the capacity to deliver
  • Have an organised and well formulated approach
  • Transparent
  • Follow best practices

The Bridge will support empanelled NGO’s working in the areas of education, health, disability, gender equality and livelihood.

Deliverables for responsible Business Houses

Identification of credible NGOs

One of the major hurdles faced by corporate donors is identification of credible NGO partners. Post due diligence and evaluation carried out by the expert team at The Bridge, NGOs are empaneled which are mission driven and impact oriented.

Need assessment

The Bridge team relies upon need assessment to identify the requirement in the desired community. Most of the times, corporate want to implement their CSR initiatives near their geographical reach for their planned CSR thematic area. However, it is not necessary the specified need would always be there in the geographical proximity. The need in the community can be different. The Bridge identifies this need for the corporate partners through need assessment.

Impact Study

Impact of the development projects typically take some time to manifest. Measuring outcome is the key to successful CSR programs. What gets measured gets done. The general tendency in many companies is to evaluate performance primarily on the basis of the cost and efficiency. However, there are many more criteria to be considered.

Impact studies have to be carefully planned in terms of team composition, timing and methodology. The process must be driven by the CSR committee which can delegate the day-to-day management of the process to an appropriate structure within the company.

The Bridge identifies methods for conducting the impact assessment and outcome measurement suited to the context and the size of the project with the budgets available.

Monitoring and evaluation of the CSR project

The purpose of monitoring is to alert the organisation to issues or situations that can have a significant impact on the effectiveness or quality of the projects and priorities.

By identifying early warning signals, managers will have as much time as possible to determine appropriate alternative courses of action. Scanning is a first step towards exploring and identifying opportunities to improve management practices, programs, compliance with policy, and processes. Scanning surfaces early warning signals alerting managers, units and departments about important trends and events that could have either a positive or negative impact on employees and on the organization. Scanning is the first phase of the management improvement process. Scanning is defined simply as Scanning-Identifying broad, early signals of strategic, social, performance and operational trends or changes.

Baseline and end line surveys

A baseline study simply put is a study that is done at the beginning of a project to establish the current status of a population before a project is rolled out. The Bridge team does baseline studies in association with the community where the project is desired to be implemented.

Performance analysis of the NGOs

Not every NGO uses project funding in an effective, transparent and responsible way. Some NGOs believe so strongly in their agenda that they are unwilling to change ineffective programs. It wouldn’t be right to judge NGOs by private sector standards. However, they also should not be judged by objective measures but ground realities should be kept in mind. The Bridge team does performance analysis for the empaneled NGOs, but if the Corporate is interested in getting the performance analysis done for the chosen partners, we encourage our corporate partners in getting it done.
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